Monday, November 16, 2009

Podcast The Mexican American War

Disagreements and Agreements of the Mexican American War

The Mexican-American War led to many disagreements, treaties, important people, and states involved with the war. Although the Mexicans and Americans both disliked each other very much, they made treaties giving land orders, money orders, and even war orders. One treaty was called the Missouri Compromise. The deal said that someone would draw an imaginary line through California bought territories. They settled where slavery had been permitted. So, slavery led to being only accepted south of the line. One other treaty had major affects on both Texas, the U.S, and Mexico. The treaty was called Treaty of Velasco. The treaty gave Texas its independence. Of course, Mexico angry and did not agree with the treaty. The U.S said, look, the U.S will give the Texas its independence if it wants to. Mexico, without warning, came to Texas, and there came the Alamo. The same topic led to another treaty called the Gadsen Treaty. The Gadsen Treaty resolved the dispute between Mexico and Texas and it resolved border problems. This helped Mexico and Texas solve any problems they had. Moving to the U.S, another slavery law, had been placed The Wilmot Provoiso. Created by congress, The Wilmot Provosio excluded slavery from conquered places. Places like in Mexico, which they conquered in battle. Many senators did not agree, but were defeated by congress. Many disagreed because many were from the South and the South wanted slavery to go on. The U.S Civil War not only split a nation in half, but also affected them against Mexico. Mexico took this as an advantage to move into the United States. The next treaty however, helped both the U.S and the Mexicans reach a deal that helped settle disputes. The Gadsen Treaty had been when the United States paid Mexico for land. Due to Mexico’s economic problems, Mexico took the deal. Due to the expenses during the war for Mexico, it had no other choice but to except the deal. The United States got some land, and Mexico got some money. Many treaties had to do with Mexico and the U.S. The Treaty of Gudalupe Hidalgo reopened the slavery issue in the U.S and Mexico. It also said that the Mexicans should be treated fairly when in U.S conquered lands. The treaty was made by a man named Migeul Hidalgo. Hidalgo not only made the treaty, but he reopened the issues. Hidalgo grew up learning increasingly about Catholicism. So, he took all this information and became a Mexican priest. Born in Dolores, Mexico, he reopened the issue of slavery and Mexican rights. In fact, Dolores started the whole war.
Hidalgo though had many affects which helped the Mexicans in the war. He persuaded local Indians to join and persuaded them against exploration. He also persuaded many local Indians to join the war with Mexico. He had many effects on the war which changed the war completely. Recalling the Gadsen Treaty. The man who made it was James Gadsen. Gadsen was sent to Mexico by the U.S for some reasons. The main one though was, the U.S was having disputes with Mexico. So, they made a treaty. The U.S got Mexico to sign the treaty which made them happy. It was one more step to peace. Even it did not seem like it was one more step to peace, it was. James Gadsen helped the U.S achieve peace with Mexico and took the a risk to help get peace. Some of the treaties would get some of the states of the United States involved with political issues. The states included California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. The states helped put together treaties that made mostly everyone happy. The states created the treaties not wanting to, but to solve disputes. In many wars, many disputes go on and on until they would be solved. In the Mexican-American War however, disputes were solved rather quickly. One of the disputes, that fought throughout the war had been that Mexico wanted to much land. Another dispute was over Texas. Texas was the whole reason of the war. Texas had something big and that was the size it was. Texas was on of the biggest pieces of land in the United States. The Mexican-American War started so many disputes, that they were very tough to handle.

Battles of The Mexican American War

The Mexican-American war led to many hard, deadly, and brutal battles. Although many battle had become important in time of the war, only some of them really changed the effects of the war. These battles contained bloody and gruesome bodies that shocked many people. No one knew that the war could go so far. In the U.S, battles were usual. One battle, the Battle of Sacramento. In California, many called orders. With all the leadership and courage, the U.S won. One other battle was the Battle of San Gaberial. Along the Fernado River in California, the battle was one of the smaller battles.The U.S won and were very happy about it. The Battle of Yerba Buena was a battle that had major effects for California and the United States. Sometimes it takes courage or sometimes leadership or both. It took both to win this battle. People became leaders and led people to win. The U.S won and helped the United States confidence level. In battles either defended or conquered cities. Not all battles though were in the United States. Most of the important battles were in Mexico. Each battle had something to do with the war. As the battles went on, they grew more important. But, some of the battles that were important had been the Battle of Monterrey. The battle was in Mexico and the U.S wanted more land. Mexicans were not prepared and this was sort of a surprise attack. Since the Mexicans were not ready, the Mexicans surrendered. Though the Mexicans surrendered, they left without getting hurt. Some battles though went on longer. One battle, the Battle of Resca de Palo, was a battle that was when Mexico lost. One other battle was Battle of Churubusco. In Mexico, the battle introduced an important man who came to power. His name was Santa Anna. He led Mexico wanting to conquer Texas. However, the Mexicans kept being pushed back by the U.S. They lost at Churubusco. Some other battles were Siege of Puebla, Battle of Chapultepec, Battle of Buena Vista, and the Battle of Molino. Some of the battles were in Mexico, but even being in Mexico, with Mexican support, the Mexicans could not win more battles than the U.S. In the U.S, a battle led to the outcome of the war. The outcome that would change the whole war completely and would decide who would win the war. The Alamo was a fierce battle in Texas. San Antonio, Texas was a big place at the time. Mexico suddenly came into the United States and destroying anything in their path to meet the U.S in San Antonio. Everyone knew why the Mexicans came and for one reason, Texas was supposed to be theirs. Texas was prepared for one day the Mexicans would get their revenge. Preparing for the war, they saw the Mexicans. They were truly prepared for the war. Carrying many troops and weapons with them. The children cried as the mothers rushed them into safety. The men stood, ready to fight. Suddenly, without warning, the Mexicans started fighting. With the weapons the United States had, they killed many Mexicans even with a smaller number than the Mexicans. The United States won and were very happy. To make them even happier, they captured Santa Anna. The U.S had won the war. The war though was won by weapons. The weapons had been very expensive and no one wanted to buy them. In a war, they had to have weapons, so in that case they had to buy them. The war had riffles, other gun types, and knifes. The Mexican-American War had many brutal battles which changed the outcome of the war.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Leaders of the Mexican American War

The Mexican-American War led to the rise of many important leaders. The leaders of the war were probably the most important to the war. Without leaders the war could not even start. Leaders conquered or lost cities that they were given to conquer or to protect. Leaders came from all over in the United States and Mexico to protect where they came from. In Mexico, five leaders stood out. The leaders stood out by helping their country the most. Santa Anna took one of the biggest roles in the Mexican-American War in history for Mexico. As a general and a leader he took part in many battles that led to many deaths. He changed Mexico's ideas about the war. The Conservative and Liberal Parties made big differences to their government and changed ideas of some members of the Mexican Congress. Each wanted one of their beliefs to get put into rules and laws of Mexico. One wanted the war to end, the other wanted it to continue so they have a chance to get something they wanted. Groups like these would do anything to get their beliefs into peoples minds. Los Niños Héros were the protecters of Chapuletec.They got more than what they did some times even though no intruders would come. They came up and became a powerful force that could defeat many to get what they wanted. One other leader, related to Santa Anna, was Antonió Lopéz de Santa Anna. Like Santa Anna, he to was a general. He led at big battles and fought at little ones. Mexican leaders put hard work into leading their men into winning battles. However, the U.S put so much effort into the war, they had more leaders than the Mexicans. These leaders were Winfield Scott, Stephan Kearney, Sam Houston, John Quitman, Zachary Taylor, and Robert Stockton. Men like this led during the war and the battles in it. Some of the men did things that were very weird such as Robert Stockton. Without any permission, he declared himself temporary governor of California. Not only leaders were from just any place, they were from the government too. Some of the government helpers that helped in the war were James K. Polk, Davy Crokett, John Slidel, Santa Anna, and Parties of Mexico. Santa Anna was not only a general but also the president of Mexico. Many people stood up and became leaders to save the country in the Mexican-American War.